Below are our latest insights and resources to help firms keep pace with the evolving ESG landscape.

Latest insights

Compliance Alert

SEC Turns Watchful Eye on ESG

A recent flurry of activity from the SEC has made it crystal clear that ESG will be a top priority in the near and long term.

Compliance Alert
  • ESG
  • Compliance
  • SEC
PRI FAQ 1200x900

FAQ: Implementing the Updated PRI Framework

Our ESG advisory team answered a few of the most common questions that firms asked during the recent webcast Implementing the Updated PRI Framework.

  • ESG
London financial district skyscrapers looking upward

2021 Regulatory Reminders and Upcoming Deadlines for European firms

A summary of key tasks for compliance teams with a European presence along with a summary of FCA’s priorities during 2021, our analysis of key regulatory developments, and an outline of longer-term trends.

  • Compliance
  • Brexit
  • Cybersecurity
  • RegTech
  • Mirabella
  • ESG
wind turbines and solar panels at sunset

Highlights from ESG and the Year Ahead

Following the launch of ACA’s ESG advisory practice, our webcast ESG and the Year Ahead recently discussed ESG trends and how to better address sustainability and responsible investing issues in the year ahead. Summarized below are four themes to consider throughout this year as you build out and enhance your ESG program.

  • ESG

New PRI Framework Could Catch Signatories Off Guard

All PRI signatories must report on their responsible investing activities by April 29, 2021. On November 12, 2020, PRI released the newest version of the reporting framework, which is a major overhaul of the prior reporting framework.

  • ESG

Recent ESG webcasts

The SEC’s New ESG Expectations

This webcast will address the latest updates to the SEC's expectations for ESG and share related insights from our experience.


ESG and Responsible Investing for CCOs

Join ACA for an overview discussion about responsible investing and environment, social, and governance (ESG), and highlight ways compliance officers may be impacted by the development of a responsible investing program.
