FCA Regulatory Training
Whether someone is new to your team, or you need to ensure that you or your existing team members have sufficient knowledge and understanding to comply with current regulations, we offer a wide range of compliance training, designed to help you and your firm understand the regulatory framework and apply compliance.
Tailored In-House Training
Our tailored training is ideal for larger groups or if you have specific topics to be briefed on, or complex scheduling and timing for busy teams in different jurisdictions. Check out our menu of tailored training topics and options here or speak to us about how our virtual and interactive courses can be customised to meet your learning objectives and the content developed to meet your specific requirements.
Latest insights
Common AML Schemes: Investment Companies
One common way that individuals may try to launder money is through the use of investment accounts and shell companies.
- AML and Financial Crime
The Overseas Funds Regime
Marketing a new fund in the UK that is domiciled overseas to retail investors is about to change. New EEA UCITS could be coming to market in the UK by November, 2024.
- Compliance
The History of Interval and Tender Offer Funds
The history of tender offer and interval funds helps contextualize their current regulatory framework and purpose in the asset management industry.
- Distribution
ACA Honored in Inaugural FinCrimeTech50 Award for 2024
We are honored to be one of the first firms to be recognized by the FinCrimeTech50 in its inaugural year.
- ACA News
Changes Coming to the NFA’s Member Questionnaire (Formerly Known as the Annual Questionnaire)
New amendments adopted by the NFA will require individuals who are both a principal and an associated person to review, sign, and submit the Member Questionnaire.
- Compliance
FINRA Maintenance Margin Requirements Become Effective May 22, 2024
FINRA’s amendments to Rule 4210 requires members to collect margin for each counterparty's excess mark or market loss related to covered agency transactions.
- Compliance