
Who We Serve

Over 6,300 leading financial services firms trust us to help them protect and grow their business.

Firm types we serve

We help implement compliance and supervisory programs that address FINRA and SEC regulations.

We help CFTC registrants and NFA members to streamline their business and operational processes and improve the quality and effectiveness of their compliance programs.

We help firms align their advisory processes with regulatory requirements and the expectations of the SEC and the CFTC.

We help hedge fund managers enhance their operational and business processes and comply with the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and industry best practices.

We help investment advisers ensure their compliance with the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and industry best practices.

We help prepare registered investment companies, as well as their boards, sponsors, advisers, sub-advisers, and service providers, for the rigors of SEC examinations.

We help private equity, private debt, venture capital, and real estate fund managers as well as their portfolio companies comply with the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and industry best practices.

We work closely with investment and operations teams providing pre-and post-deal technology, cybersecurity, privacy, and ESG transaction advisory services and portfolio company oversight.

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Our market share

Money Managers


Of the top 50 money managers, as noted in the ADV Ratings September 2021 ranking data

Hedge Fund Managers


Of the top 100 hedge fund managers, as noted in the May 2021 edition of Hedge Fund Alert

Private Equity Funds


Of the top 100 private equity funds, as noted in the June 2021 PEI 300

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Trusted by leading financial services firms worldwide

We work with over 6,300 financial services firms worldwide to build scalable and progressive GRC programs that help them protect and grow their business. Our innovative and scalable approach integrates expert advisory, on-demand managed services, and award-winning technology that can be tailored to your unique needs.

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Helping risk and compliance functions across your firm

  • Risk and Compliance Leaders
  • Risk and Compliance Teams
  • General Counsel and Legal Teams
  • Marketing and Performance Teams
  • ESG Teams
  • Information Technology and Security Teams
  • Investor Relations Teams


ACA Group Named a 2024 DataTech50 Provider

ACA Group acknowledged as one of the most innovative tech companies offering data management solutions in financial services

ACA Group Expands U.S. Compliance Team with Former SEC and FINRA Regulators, In-House CCOs, Seasoned Regulatory Consultants, and Attorneys

We are committed to meeting the needs of our clients. This year, we have made several notable additions to the team to help us to continue to operate at the forefront of the compliance industry. Learn more about our team.

ACA Group Acquires Encore Compliance Adding AI Technology to Enhance Managed Services Capabilities

ACA Group Acquires Encore Compliance to Enhance Managed Services Capabilities with AI Technology. Acquisition enhances ACA’s technology solutions to support day-to-day compliance requirements and reduce risk

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