White Paper: Top 10 Risk and Compliance Challenges for 2020 and Beyond
The compliance function has evolved dramatically over the past decade. Global advances in technology, changes within the geo-political environment, and increased regulatory scrutiny have transformed the way firms conduct business and maintain their compliance programs.
From everything on the regulatory horizon, it appears the pace of change is set to accelerate even more in the next decade.
ACA’s top 10 risk and compliance challenges for 2020 and beyond underscore both the complexity of the challenges that risk and compliance teams are facing, as well as the need to evolve the compliance function to adopt a fresh approach.
Download our white paper to learn more.

Top 10 Risk and Compliance Challenges at a Glance
- Be Prepared for a Changing Geo-Political Climate
- Build Comprehensive Operational Resilience
- Rethink the Compliance Function
- Increase Vigilance Around Market Abuse and Trade Surveillance
- Monitor the Quality of Transaction and Trade Reporting
- Preventing Financial Crimes and Money Laundering
- Prepare for Reforms in the Authorized Funds Space: New Focus on Illiquid Assets and Fund Governance
- Increased Demand for Performance Reporting Transparency: Focus on Performance Verification
- Establish Compliance for ESG, Stewardship, and Shareholder Engagement
- Keep Your Eye on the Regulatory Horizon
For More Information
Contact us for more information about how we can help your firm prepare for these challenges and the changes ahead.