White Paper: Board Oversight of Cybersecurity… In Search of the Rosetta Stone

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  • Compliance

ACA Group is pleased to present our newest white paper, Board Oversight of Cybersecurity...In Search of the Rosetta Stone.

Cybersecurity is among the most daunting of oversight responsibilities mutual fund directors confront. Fund boards wrestle with identifying how to effectively include cybersecurity into their oversight responsibilities. Directors are often charged with exercising their business judgement in oversight, not management. As such, cybersecurity is simply added to the already lengthy list of director responsibilities.

A Framework for Oversight of Cybersecurity

In this white paper, we provide fund boards and directors with guidance and a suggested framework that can be used in developing oversight of cybersecurity. 

We discuss...

  • Why you should build a framework for a cybersecurity oversight program
  • How to make the process more effective
  • A unique meeting structure template for establishing the oversight program 


For More Information

If you have questions about this white paper or our services for mutual fund boards, please contact us here.