Budget Benchmarking Survey Series: Compare Your Cyber and Compliance Program Resources to Your Peers

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  • Compliance
  • Cybersecurity

Participate in our budget and staffing surveys to learn how your peers are allocating their program’s resources and prepare for the 2023 budgeting season.  

As firms respond to increasing market volatility and look towards an uncertain economic future, the 2023 planning and budgeting process will likely require firms to make tough choices about how to allocate scarce resources.    

To help our clients and community better understand how their current resourcing levels compare to their peers and make the case for additional program resources, ACA is launching their Budget Benchmarking Survey Series! 

Your participation in this year’s survey will assist in providing valuable information to the community. Moreover, you will gain access to a variety of insights and guidance that you can use when planning your budget and making the case for further investments.  

To best tailor the insights of the survey we’ve compiled two separate surveys – please participate in either or both based on your role and responsibilities.  

  • For compliance and legal leaders overseeing budgeting and staffing resources for compliance programs, participate here.  

Compliance Program Budget Benchmarking Survey

  • For cybersecurity and IT leaders overseeing the budgeting and staffing resources for cybersecurity and risk programs, participate here. 

Cybersecurity Program Budget Benchmarking Survey

This survey will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes. In exchange for your time and participation, participants will receive a report on key insights and findings from the survey.  

We ask that only one person per firm complete the survey. If you are not your firm’s CISO, CTO, or CCO, please check with them before completing the survey to avoid duplicative responses.


If you have any questions about the survey, please contact: 
Aaron Pinnick, Research Consultant 
ACA Group 