Brexit Insights and Alerts
Following the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, you may have to adapt your business models and regulatory registration arrangements to continue to operate within the UK.
As the post-Brexit landscape continues to evolve, it's key that you keep up to speed with latest developments. Here we capture our Brexit news and alerts.

Complimentary Whitepaper
Brexit: What's next for Financial Services
The lack of substantive rules addressing financial services in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement creates some confusion and challenges for firms.
Our free whitepaper examines a range of scenarios for how firms with a UK- and/or EEA-based presence might structure their business in a post-Brexit world.
Essential Guide to AIFMD Marketing After Brexit
This guide outlines the permutations for AIFMs, AIFs, and prospective investors wishing to market their funds post-Brexit.